The Summer School at Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences

"The program was amazing and interesting! Words could not describe how much I enjoyed the program, but if I am given a chance, I would definitely join the program again!" - Li Tung

The Business of German Engineering

By combining science, business, and culture, the two-week academic program offers a versatile learning experience. Participants gain insights into innovative technological developments in the field of applied engineering and beyond. Interdisciplinary seminars and social activities round up the program.
The next Summer School 2025 will take place 6th-19th July 2025
in Hamm (Germany).
You can apply for the Summer School between 1 March and 15 April 2025.
Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences (HSHL) 2019
Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences (HSHL) 2019
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Journey through German engineering

Grab your backpacks and start your engines: We’re going on a journey filled with top-notch lectures, insightful company visits and fun social activities. All about engineering and business and how it’s done in Germany.


An academic adventure

Our journey through the business of German engineering starts on campus. Just for you, we chose and invited lecturers who will share their expertise about the field of engineering they’re specialised in. Each of them has a profound academic and professional background, allowing you to gain meaningful and detailed insights into chosen thriving industries– day by day and step by step.

Traveling on a road with several stops

Road trips are fun, right? This is one of a special kind. You will literally hit the road on your journey to learn about German engineering. We have planned courses during the morning which will be topically continued in the form of company visits in regional cities afterwards. In the late afternoon, we drive back to academics as there will be further eye-opening lectures on relevant business topics.

To round up the day, you can engage in delightful social activities in the evening – or take your time to charge your batteries for the next day.

Building a network

On your tour, you will be able to connect with academics and professionals who are experienced in their field: During the courses, lectures, or company visits. This could be a way for you to “get a foot in the door”. Maybe you will find your passion in one of the companies’ business fields and would want to work for them in the future?

You will share the journey with other students who come from various countries and cultures all over the world. This is a perfect base for you to exchange ideas with like-minded people who are interested in the same thing as you: Engineering & Business.


Is it already a dream for you to start your career in Germany? Well, this is the chance you’ve been looking for. This could be the foundation to pursuing your goal - a great opportunity you would not want to miss.

Or maybe you are just curious about the German way of doing business and engineering?

In any case, you are very welcome to join us on this journey.

You will come home with your personal treasure: enlightening knowledge about engineering and the German way of doing business. Valuable connections to local companies and to like-minded students. And plenty of memories of an enriching experience. We will make sure that you get the most out of this stay.


  • "The brightest lecture, as well as the last day of summer school with a great party in the evening. The only negative thing is that I was sad to go home, realizing that summer school was over."
  • "The student body of HSHL was very welcoming and eager to interact with exchange students. From ultimate frisbee games to impromptu social gathers, there were a plenty of opportunities to experience German culture from a student perspective."
  • "I would be recommending it to all my classmates. It is an amazing opportunity specially if you are thinking of working overseas after graduating. I would absolutely recommend the program to all students at any stage in their collegiate careers! These types of unique experiences do not come around very often in life and you should jump at the chance if presented with the opportunity!"
  • "All in all, I loved the program. I thought it was a tremendous experience and I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to participate. I learned a lot about myself through the experience and developed friendships that I maintain to this day. The program was a nice blend of business topics, engineering, and social experiences that provide a taste of what German culture is all about."
  • "Loved it, especially how the dynamic worked with the other international students, having different viewpoints from all over the world while learning about German culture and seeing how that compares to other than your own was really unique."

Let’s get into the details!

Program Description
Current Sponsors and donors:
Thank you to our sponsors and donors who make the Summer School possible.
Prof. Dr. Kira Kastell
Highlights of a UAS
Unique Benefits of the
Summer School
German Language
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